Disaster Relief

In an effort to expand our reach to the local and national communities, some of our recent projects have been in collaboration with other sister organizations. In response to unforeseen natural disasters such as the Flood in Iran, Kermanshah’s devastating earth quack, as well as horrific hurricanes within the US, CHILD International has collaborated with sister organizations such as Moms Against Poverty, Keep Children In School, Miami Diaper Bank, Texas Diaper Bank, and Project Hope to provide assistance to those who were affected. Our disaster relief efforts are mainly focused on reconstructing libraries and temporary homes for the children and their families so that they could return to their normal lives.

After the Van earthquake, CHILD International applied for and obtained a license from the US Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) to transfer $250,000 to Iran for humanitarian aid for victims of the earthquake.

CHILD International transferred the funds to Anjoman Nikoukary Omid Kamal to best implement the humanitarian projects in East Azarbayejan due to their extensive experience in disaster relief and their successful programs to help those in need in Iran.

Aid Information Omid Kamal provides shelter, food, clothing, full medical care and education to underprivileged students in Iran.
Our goal is to educate and empower the motivated students from impoverished regions so that they can rise above the vicious cycle of poverty and achieve self-sufficiency and independence.

Funding provided helps operate dormitories where students continue their education in a nurturing environment. The normal operations of Omid Kamal are funded by generous individuals in Iran including its volunteer board of directors.

The humanitarian aid for East Azarbayejan is beyond what Omid Kamal would normally undertake but it has decided to extend its services to East Azarbayejan due to available funding through CHILD International under the OFAC license, which allows donors in the United States to contribute to the recovery of East Azarbayejan.

Support CHILD International and its mission to transform the lives of underprivileged and displaced children around the world suffering from poverty, hunger, poor education, sickness and neglect, into lives of hope and possibilities. Donate to CHILD International’s East Azarbayejan Province Earthquake Relief Fund.

Previous Events

In 2024, CHILD International collaborated with SAMS to provide Winter and Hygiene Kits to support over 600 displaced families.

In 2023, CHILD International collaborated with multiple dentists to provide free dental care to Nicaraguan Refugees in Costa Rica.

In 2023, CHILD International collaborated with SAMS to provide over 600 free Postpartum Kits to new mothers and their newborns at various SAMS maternity locations along North Syria.